I’ve written my detailed guide and its now time for me to write a noob-friendly guide for the mass. The idea came when Conti ( a very talented guy came up with an installer). The idea behind creating an installer is to simplify things , again its not to assist newbies who don’t have a clue. Its for those who would like to save time. This guide is a complement to my other guide which I’ve written in the past.
Firstly , read my Installing Snow Leopard on a PC guide. Make sure you prepare your USB Stick by following my guide. You don’t have to install Chameleon nor follow any other steps. Just up to the part whereby you’ve copied the contents of your Snow Leopard DVD to your USB Stick. You could do this with a Real Mac or your hack. Its just that you’ll have to use a Mac. If you don’t have one – No problem , just head over to a Mac Centre/Apple Store , I’m not kidding. Just use the PC to copy contents . I’m not sure if they would allow you to insert SL Disc , but then do give it a shot
Next up fire up the installer (which you may download the latest and greatest version from Conti by clicking here) , and select your USB thumb drive or an external disk.
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Select the right patches. For instance if your BIOS doesn’t support AHCI , do make sure you select AppleIntelPIIATA kext . Again you should leave the default options as it is. Once that is done , you should able to boot from your USB Stick
Image may be NSFW.
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Once you’ve installed Snow Leopard , use your USB stick to boot to your local hard disk. Once you’ve managed to get it up , re-run the installer. This time , uncheck framebuffer disabler and select other kexts to get your system working. Therefore allowing you to boot your system !
If you’re having issues using automated/simplified method , then by all means – follow my guide and do it manually !